For too many years, I rolled the dice with ladder safety and used bits of wood or bricks to create a semi-even surface for my ladder. In my defence, I didn't know that a proper ladder leveller existed, but then again, nor did I look. I stumbled across an ad for this product and after further investigation, decided that I could no longer live (literally) without it. Wise Line Tools easily had the very best price (and free shipping), and being a Canadian company, there was no question as to where I should get it. It was on my doorstep in a few days and I installed it and tried it out right away. This is the real deal and worth every single penny to be safe on a ladder. It is superbly designed and engineered and once the mounting brackets are installed on your ladder (about 30 mins), the leveller leg can be clipped on and adjusted in seconds. My only regret is not finding this product earlier. I cringe when I think of all the time I've spent at the top of a crooked, wobbly ladder. My best purchase of the year!